Setup workstation ================= Database configuration ---------------------- To tell a workstation, where the database is (on the local system or on a network server) you will have to create some files initially on every device on which you will have QGIS/QGEP running (client). It is not required to do that on the server itself. These instructions depend on your operating system. Windows pg_service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create a new directory where you want to store the configuration in. (E.g. a new folder ``pgconfig`` in your home folder). This directory will be referred to as ``PGSYSCONFDIR`` in this guide. Set the environment variable ``PGSYSCONFDIR`` to the path to ``PGSYSCONFDIR``. .. note:: Search for environment variable in your windows system settings, then click one of the following options, for either a user or a system variable: Click ``New`` to add a new variable name and value. Click an existing variable, and then click ``Edit`` to change its name or value. Click an existing variable, and then click ``Delete`` to remove it. .. figure:: images/umgebungsvariablen_pgconfdir.jpg You can check your environment variables also within QGIS: Menu ``Settings`` --> ``Options...`` --> ``System`` Tab --> ``Environment`` Inside this folder, there will be two files * ``pg_service.conf`` * ``pgpass`` (If you do not want to enter the password for the db every time) .. attention:: On Windows, you need to save ``pg_service.conf`` in Unix format in order to work. One way to do it is to open it with `Notepad++ `_ and ``Edit`` --> ``EOL Conversion`` --> ``UNIX Format`` --> ``File save`` . .. _pg_service-linux: Linux/macOS pg_service ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On Unix systems (linux/macOS etc.) you may put the files ``.pg_service.conf`` and ``.pgpass`` into your home folder (normally ``/home/[username]``). Pay attention to the starting . (<> Windows)! If your QGIS doesn't find the ``.pg_service.conf`` file, set the environment variable PGSYSCONFDIR: .. note:: In QGIS go to ``Settings`` > ``Options`` > ``System`` tab. Near the bottom you'll find ``Environment``. Tick ``Use custom variables`` and click on the plus on the right. Add the PGSYSCONFDIR variable using Append (to make sure you don't delete anything - doesn't matter probably) and its value (probably ``/home/[username]`` see above). Then click ``OK`` at the bottom right. .. figure:: images/macEnvVarSet.png After closing and reopening QGIS, you should be able to see the added PGSYSCONFDIR at the bottom of the same window under ``Current environment variables``. .. figure:: images/macEnvVarCheck.png All systems ^^^^^^^^^^^ Put the following content in the file ``pg_service.conf`` or ``.pg_service.conf``. You may have to adapt the variables for your setup. .. code:: ini [pg_qgep] host=localhost port=5432 dbname=qgep user=qgepuser To save the password as well on the system you may use the file `pgpass `_. .. code:: ini localhost:5432:*:qgepuser:password .. note:: If you don't have the database on your local machine replace any occurence of ``localhost`` with the network address of your database server. Alternative: put your password directly into the ``pg_service.conf`` (on Windows) / ``.pg_service.conf`` (on *nix) file: .. code:: ini [pg_qgep] host=localhost port=5432 dbname=qgep user=qgepuser password=*** Install QGIS ------------ * Minimum requirement 3.4 * We recommend using the latest master build (called qgis-dev on Windows) which often offers a better experience in combination with QGEP. For Windows installation, download the `OSGeo4W Installer `_ choose *advanced installation* and install qgis-dev. Install QGEP plugin ------------------- Plugin requirements: - `networkx `_ >= 2.1 You can install them on Debian based systems with:: sudo pip install networkx sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-psql Or for Windows users, directly in QGIS via the Python Console with:: import pip; pip.main(["install", "networkx"]) * Open QGIS * Go to ``Plugins`` * ``Manage and Install Plugins`` * ``Settings`` * Enable ``Show also experimental plugins`` * Activate the plugin (see image below): * All * Search `QGEP` * Click the checkbox next to it .. figure:: images/001_searchplugin.jpeg **Add the QGEP plugin** Optional plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QGEP uses a data historization process. The ``pg history viewer`` `plugin `_ allows you to view the changes made and replay some of them. Install the demo data --------------------- as described `here `_ Install the demo project ------------------------ * Download from the * Extract the file * If you leave the qgep_[language].qm files in the same directory as the qgep.qgs file and start QGIS with one of these languages, your qgep-project will be translated to that langue when you start the project. E.g. you start qgep.qgs with a QGIS Installation that is set to German, then the qgep.qgs project will appear in German. .. note:: You need to explicitly set the language in QGIS in settings. If QGIS is configured to take the system language, the QGEP translation is not loaded. .. figure:: images/qgep_project_qm_language_files.jpg * Open `project/qgep.qgs` with QGIS * When you save that project it will keep it's language and it cannot be changed in the same way. If you are a data owner: Add your own OID to the project -------------------------------------------------------- * If you are a data owner (Datenherr), you should add your OID data in the table qgep_sys.oid_prefixes: .. figure:: images/oid_prefix.jpg * Edit ``02_oid_generation.sql`` with your OID if you want it permanently in the QGEP project and hand in a pull request .. code:: sql -- sample entry for the City of Uster - you need to add an entry for your own organization INSERT INTO qgep_sys.oid_prefixes (prefix,organization,active) VALUES ('ch11h8mw','Stadt Uster',TRUE); INSERT INTO qgep_sys.oid_prefixes (prefix,organization,active) VALUES ('ch15z36d','SIGE',FALSE); INSERT INTO qgep_sys.oid_prefixes (prefix,organization,active) VALUES ('ch13p7mz','Arbon',FALSE); and set the OID you want to use in your project to TRUE. * or add it locally to your project with an INSERT statement. * OID prefixes have to be ordered at .. note:: If you work with different databases for different communities, you should use different OID prefixes for each database. Working with more than one database ----------------------------------- * Create a new database in pgAdmin with a new name, e.g. communityA * Create a new schema qgep in this database (do not choose another name, because all scripts works with the schema-name qgep) * Go further on as described in 1.2 Database initialization * Change the ``pg_service.conf`` - file .. code:: ini [pg_qgep]    host=localhost    port=5432    dbname=qgep    user=qgepuser  [pg_communityA]    host=localhost      port=5432      dbname=communityA      user=qgepuser * Search and replace in the copy of ``qgep_en.qgs`` all 'pg_qgep' with 'pg_communityA'