1. TEKSI wastewater module (QGEP)
2. Guía de instalación de QGEP
3. Guía de Usuario QGEP
4. Guía del administrador
5. Demostración de una Máquina Virtual
6. Complemento Wincan 2 QGEP
6.1. Introducción
6.2. Open inspection
6.3. Match channels
6.4. Fixing issues
6.5. Importar datos
6.6. Viendo datos en QGEP
7. SWMM Data Exchange
8. Traducción
Complemento Wincan 2 QGEP
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Complemento Wincan 2 QGEP
This will guide you to use Wincan 2 QGEP plugin for QGIS to import inspection data from Wincan.
6.1. Introducción
6.2. Open inspection
6.3. Match channels
6.3.1. Automatic matching
6.3.2. Manual matching
6.3.3. Skipping channels or observations
6.4. Fixing issues
6.4.1. Length issues
6.4.2. One channel in the inspection data corresponds to several channels in the QGEP data
6.4.3. Several channels in the inspection data correspond to a single channel in the QGEP data
6.5. Importar datos
6.6. Viendo datos en QGEP